Logo da Ouzzi
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Santander Logo


Santander Card

Santander has challenged Ouzzi since 2021 to create the most innovative Employer Branding communications, focused on their training programs and new talent selection. And if we're proudly telling this story, it's because Ouzzi's talents keep surprising in every delivery. Check out the results of this growing partnership!


With each generation,
a new way to communicate.

Over the years, various forms of talent acquisition were created, with dynamics requiring creativity and planning, breaking away from the conventional. After all, generations change and adapt, and this movement directly impacts the selection process. Understanding the audience, adapting, capturing attention, and knowing what is needed to evaluate professionals' profiles is where Ouzzi and Santander found their match.

What moves people,
moves Employer Branding.

For Santander and Ouzzi, every interaction is an opportunity to create a memorable experience. Thus, together, we tested and discovered the best ways to reach, captivate, and engage every audience across available media.

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The flame of innovation:

From the traditional "Work with Us" site to online events with real-time activations, Ouzzi brought together multidisciplinary teams of writers, designers, UX specialists, developers, and strategists, to deliver materials that conveyed Santander's innovation flame in every detail.

Santander FlameWoman

Our developed talent list

Website Development


Website Development

Work with Us

Website Development

Data Day 2021

Website Development

Career Week 2022

Website Development

Trainee 2021

Website Development

Trainee 2022

Website Development

Trainee 2023

Website Development

Trainee 2024

Ouzzi is the place for brands with a spark

Who would have thought that a bank could break so many paradigms? Ouzzi understands your market, what you need as a brand and business, and what opportunities can be leveraged. In other words, Ouzzi is the element that drives your innovation.


Your brand in the right place. Your company with the right people.Seta para a direitaCome ouzzi with us


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