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Logo Cia de Talentos

CIA de


A hug that has lasted more than three seasons with this Brazilian podcast, considered one of the fastest-growing in the thematic universe and hosted by the star Sofia Menegon.

The journey of Employer Branding sites

In a constantly changing job market, the digitalization of processes has brought ongoing challenges for hiring. That’s why we work closely with CIA de Talentos to continuously evolve each delivered site, creating increasingly adaptable digital journeys for the audience, whether they are interns, trainees, or senior leaders.

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Data learning with over 100 selection processes

It was the data that allowed Ouzzi to implement unique improvements, starting from the small sites of Bettha to the more detailed sites of CIA de Talentos. With strategic data such as user time on each page, the number of clicks, mapping of applications, and other factors, we became specialists in making tailored decisions for each client and/or sector.

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No matter
the sector,
we potentiAlize
all careers.

With over 35 years of experience in attraction and selection, CIA de Talentos challenged us to deliver the best for each new client that arrived. And no matter the sector, Ouzzi has helped transform lives through robust programs, innovative layouts, specialized solutions, and even designs and content to attract talent.


Great brands seek great partnerships

Whether in internship processes or high-level positions, the diversity of national and international brands that have returned to hire with Ouzzi and CIA de Talentos is immense. Among them are: Nestlé, Bayer, Santander, Bradesco, Globo, Vivo, C&A, and many more.

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Meet all the brands we have served:

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